The Bon Blog 2.0
I’ve been struggling with what the write for awhile now. I’m getting older, my life is evolving and I wasn’t sure what that was going to look like for my blog. So, while I figured out what direction I was going to take things I stopped writing and then life just got busy.
Personal Update
My husband and I are expecting a baby boy in September! We are over the moon excited and cannot wait to start the journey of parenthood. This will be our first child, so as expected we are nervous and unsure what to expect. But, nonetheless, we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our beautiful son!
Other than that, not a whole lot has been going on. Just work and trying to prepare for baby’s arrival. Setting up the nursery, buying adorable baby clothes, setting up registries, and getting bigger each day.
The Bon Blog 2.0
I’ll have several broad topics that I will develop posts around. Pregnancy, Having an Ostomy, and Being New Parents. I feel like a lot of blogs or articles will share the beautiful sides of things, not a lot of times do you hear people’s reality. Especially on social media, everyone wants to post the perfect and the beautiful. If you scroll through someone’s social media you would think they had the perfect life, when in reality most of the time that’s not the case. No one wants to show the world the hard truth or the imperfect.
My goal with my blog is to always be honest and authentic with every one of my posts. My life is not perfect or always beautiful. Life is messy, unpredictable, and occasionally downright crummy at times. But, there’s no reason why we can’t celebrate those moments and work towards finding the beauty along the way.
I hope you all enjoy this new journey. I know I can’t wait to share it with you.
Cheers to The Bon Blog 2.0
#YouDoYou – The Bon
Glad to see the post. I agree with you.
Thankyou for the amazing information. I’m very impressed with your content. It’s really helpful and informative. Keep sharing!!