Finding Happiness

I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself.  For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by your circumstance but by our disposition.

Martha Washington

You are in control of your own happiness. The only way for someone to take your happiness away is if you allow them to take your happiness away. Be happy with who you are and all of the blessings that come your way each and every day.

Happy he who learns to bear what he cannot change.

Friedrich Schiller

Take all of the obstacles life throws your way and conquer them.  Conquer them by finding more positives than negatives.  Conquer them by realizing that you have to live your life to the absolute fullest. When most would sit and dwell on their own misfortunes, stand up and conquer yours.

8 Responses to “Finding Happiness

  • angelina
    8 years ago

    This page has really helped me , because i have been getting bullied lately . It shows me that that person can’t take my happiness i can’t let him because it is my happiness.I need to take control and not let that person make me feel like i am no one , and i am the only person who defines me .

    • The Bon
      8 years ago

      Angelina, I’m so happy to hear that you aren’t letting a bully get in the way of your happiness. You matter in this world and you are important, never forget that. -The Bon

  • This helps and I have used this a few months back when me and my two older sisters were having trouble in are naborhood with a few friends and now we are not friends but we do talk to each other..Thanks so much bon..

  • thank you I love you not in the love love way the thank you way there was a problem where my dog had died so I went on here and I saw happiness I went on to it and I read it then I knew that she is in a happy place so you helped me thankyou so so much for taking your time to make our lives better by writing this thank you again ,lexie

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