I told myself I was too busy. Do you forgive me?
Dear beauties,
I abandoned all of you for basically 5 months. I didn’t write, I didn’t post, I didn’t check in, I pushed all of this to the very bottom of my list of priorities when it should have been in the top three. That truly wasn’t fair. I thought I was too busy to write, I thought I could manage all of the things on my plate. I didn’t try terribly hard to fit The Bon Blog in my schedule and I regret this attitude.
What a lot of you might not know is that I write solely based on my own experiences. Whatever I post on here isn’t made up, it’s not over exaggerated, nor is it what I think all of you want to read. What I post on this blog are real events in my life and experiences that I want others to learn and grow from. The coolest part about all of this is that I’ve helped a lot of people with some of these posts. I’ve helped young girls overcome bullying, touched people’s hearts that have dealt with severe family struggles, and I have helped become an outlet for people that don’t necessarily find beauty within themselves. I’m helping people overcome insecurities, fears, and best of all every time I write a post I not only teach some of you a lesson, but I teach myself a lesson.
Like I said, I’ve experienced all of this before. When I write about each of these topics I learn more about myself and I grow as an individual. I remember why I wanted to do all of this in the first place, writing is a great outlet and it’s one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done. When I receive a comment from one of you wonderful, beautiful people my heart soars. Hearing your guys’ opinions, thoughts, and how I’ve helped you in some sort of way is the most gratifying thing I’ve ever experienced. It’s for those reasons that I should have never abandoned The Bon Blog for those months.
I feel like I had an insanely busy 2018 thus far, as most of you probably have too. Spring semester at NWU was absolutely crazy, challenging, and in all honesty kicked my butt. It was also very rewarding. I enjoyed the challenge and I am one step closer to graduating, heck yes! I just moved out of my dad’s house and now live with Brandon, I lost a job, I started a new job, and I’m working on growing as a writer through freelance writing. I’m experiencing all of the exciting/scary/intense “adulting” duties all at once. I’ve been overwhelmed with all of the stuff going on in my life and I’ve been struggling with managing my stress levels. Writing and my blog is a huge stress relief for me and it’s very important to me. All of that made me decide to add a new twist to The Bon Blog. I want to revamp my site, I want to be more engaged and available for all of you, and I want to write about things that are of interest to you, while still writing on a consistent basis about beauty, love, confidence, etc.
I’m excited to commit myself to my passion, my readers, and myself. I look forward to having all of you continue this journey with me. 🙂